Building for the Future
Slavin Academy
The Slavin Academy is located adjacent to the Ether Dome in the historic Bulfinch Building. This dynamic new venue serves as an institutional home for teaching and learning and supports education offices and touch down spaces, conference rooms and collaboration areas, and an information hub and library. The Academy warmly welcomes all members of our collaborative learning community.
For a virtual tour of the space, click the arrow below, then click the lower righthand icon to view the tour in full screen. Hover over the blue pinpoints for information about the space’s imagery and artifacts drawn from the MGH Archives and other historical points about the space.
Lunder Learning Hospital
The Lunder Learning Hospital--named for the Lunder Family as part of their remarkable gift--was conceived as a 20,000-square-foot training facility to expand systemwide learning opportunities across an entire workforce. Designed to support several teams working across multiple units in a fully integrated care system, the facility will include, for example, a replica of an emergency department and clinic, inpatient ward and ICU, operating room and procedure suite, and labor & delivery/pediatrics unit (all built into the existing hospital campus as the Ragon Building becomes operational).

Education and Conference Center
The Phillip and Susan Ragon Building will house a new Education and Conference Center inspired by the Ether Dome as the hospital's original teaching amphitheater, updated for the 21st century. With a 300+ seat auditorium and event spaces, the new facility will support both large and small educational gatherings as a shared community resource (scheduled for completion 2030).