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About the Slavin Academy

Meet the Team

The Slavin Academy is overseen by the hospital's Chief Learning Officer and led by an interprofessional leadership team charged with advancing a bold new initiative to harness the power of education to ensure the highest quality care for every patient. With dedicated new space adjacent to the historic Ether Dome, the Slavin Academy's work is guided by four inaugural committees: Education Scholarship, Teaching and Training, Learning Innovation, and Educational Resources and Community Affairs.

Education Team

James A. Gordon, MD, MPA

James A. Gordon, MD, MPA

Vice President of Education and Chief Learning Officer
David F. M. Brown, MD Endowed Education Academy Chair

Koren Phillips, MBA

Koren Phillips, MBA

Executive Director, Teaching and Education

Labrini Nelligan, MS

Labrini Nelligan, MS

Executive Director, Lunder Learning Partnerships

Gabriella Hakim, MBA

Gabriella Hakim, MBA

Program Manager

Sara Midwood.

Sara Midwood, BA

Education Program Coordinator

Committee Leadership: Co-Chairs and Program Managers

Marie Borgella, RN, DNP

Marie Borgella, RN, DNP

Executive Director of Learning & Development
Dorothy Ann Heathwood Endowed Chair in Nursing Education

James A. Gordon, MD, MPA

James A. Gordon, MD, MPA

Director, MGH Learning Lab

John Herman, MD

John Herman, MD

Associate Chief and Trustees Chair of Medical Psychiatry
Board of Directors, MGH Institute of Health Professions

Labrini Nelligan, MS

Labrini Nelligan, MS

Executive Director, Lunder Learning Partners
Director, Lunder-Dineen Health Education Alliance of Maine

Alberto Puig, MD, PhD

Alberto Puig, MD, PhD

Director, Core Educator Faculty in Medicine
Harvard Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education - MGH

Colleen K. Snydeman, PhD, RN

Colleen K. Snydeman, PhD, RN

Executive Director Quality, Practice, Innovation, & Nursing Research
Connell-Jones Endowed Chair in Nursing


Director of Health Professions Education Research (pending)

Executive Sponsors

Debbie Burke, RN, MBA

Debbie Burke, RN, MBA

Senior Vice President for Patient Care and Chief Nurse
Jeanette Ives and Paul Erickson Chair in Nursing

Bob Carter, MD, PhD

Bob Carter, MD, PhD

Immediate Past Chair, Executive Committee on Teaching and Education
Chair, Neurosurgery

William Curry, MD

William Curry, MD

Chief Medical Officer

Mitchel Harris, MD

Mitchel Harris, MD

Chair, Executive Committee on Teaching and Education

Robert Kingston

Robert Kingston, PhD

Senior Vice President for Research and Education
Chief Academic Officer

Interprofessional Committee Structure

The Peter L. Slavin, MD Academy for Applied Learning in Health Care at Massachusetts General Hospital is organized into four interprofessional committees designed to convene the full spectrum of teaching and learning communities across campus. Each committee is convened to represent a broad community of institutional stakeholders, and foster connections across committee domains.

Teaching and Training

Focus: Clinical Educators and Learners

Education Scholarship

Focus: Educational Science

Learning Innovation

Focus: Quality/Safety, Team Care, Educational Technology

Educational Resources and Community Affairs

Focus: Infrastructure and Outreach

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